
My name is Akacia Sage and I am a Medicine Woman, Channel & Mentor.

My mission is to activate and awaken Leaders and the Earth during this time.

The Earth needs more conscious beings stood fully in their leadership and power to illuminate the truths and pierce through the illusions we have been living within in order to return to union and the One Pulse.

The One Pulse is the Heartbeat of all sentient life. The rhythm that beats through us all, humans, plants, animals, inter-dimensional beings. 

When we surrender to the One Pulse, we open to the fullness of our life-force energy and activate our innate ALIVEness. 

Through this process, our unique gifts, codes and frequencies come online to lead heart-led missions and return to LOVE as a state of being, releasing the fear that has become the norm base state for so many. 

When we live from this frequency we live in bliss, pleasure, ecstasy and raw beauty while having the capacity and courage to embrace the depths of the human experience.

By integrating all aspects of self, there is no shame or self-abandonment. We welcome the sensation of grief, rage, fear, contraction and scarcity because we understand we are not victim to it but alchemists for it to catalyse our deepest liberation.  

When we land here, we welcome the multidimensionality of life through becoming the multidimensionality of life. 

All of it is Medicine. 

And all of it is needed at this time to rise into the fullest expression of thriving. 

This is at the core of my mission. 


I work with conscious leaders to activate you into your own unique medicine and mission through the awakening of your divine life force energy and anchoring you into practices that align you with the highest expression of your truth.

Channeling, song, light language and energy activations are my medicine, all is energy.

My spaces don’t open you to anything that isn’t already innately within you - returning you to the truth - you ARE the medicine.

With 8 placements in my first house, part of my role in this life is to surrender identities, die and be reborn over and over and open to the oneness that pulses within each of us.

I commit to being an embodied example of the depth to which we can go when we surrender all attachments and live as the pulse of life itself as a moving symphony of sound, sensations and energetics.

Sharing this journey allows others to give themselves the permission slip to die to themselves, die to life itself and to allow the divine to pierce through their being in a way that awakens the truth within them.


Part of my mission beyond guiding humanity is an assignment to activate specific sites on Earth and map out a grid system of energy lines to awaken the New Earth into being.

I am being sent to Energetic Centres across the Earth to receive and share the codes that need to be bridged between the Cosmos and Earth at this time to awaken the planet. 

My recent assignments have taken me to Bali, Egypt and the UK. 


Through a deep connection with Inter-Dimensional Beings of Light, Spirit Guides, Medicine Teachers and Ascended Masters I offer access to the realms of the Akasha. 

Where all information from past, present and future lives on Earth dwells. 

I have been sent the mission to receive personalised encoded messages to share with clients as well as downloads for the activation and healing of humanity at this time.  

Something I have come to know through walking this path of Evolution and Surrender is...


To receive more information on further steps for working together:

Explore the 1:1 & GROUP work pages on my website.


Get in touch via Instagram or email at

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  • You know you would like to experience this work for yourself & would like to book a session.
  • You would like to enquire about the work Akacia facilitates for a co-creation event.
  • You are interested in a Collaboration/Event/Podcast Guest Request.